Like the shoestring webs Dennis "Spider" Cleg (Ralph Fiennes) weaves in his room slice space into fragments, Cleg's mind is splintered, broken. Those who fail to see evidence of Cronenberg's "body horror" aesthetic in Spider are fixated on the gore and violence of his early career. One need only look at how Cleg's mind betrays him—a subtler but just as threatening betrayal to his identity as Seth Brundle's reluctant metamorphosis in The Fly (1986)—to see that the physical has now become metaphysical. Spider is a turning point where the maturation of this director fuses many elements from his oeuvre, internalizes them, and launches his body of work in a new direction.
Just as in The Dead Zone (1983), where Christopher Walken's Johnnie Smith plays silent sentinel to the future—able to inhabit his visions if not participate in them—Spider also stands vigil inside his mental apparitions. What is different is Smith's ability to see past, present, and possible future of those he comes into contact with—not his own; Spider is mired in his past, the moments in his youth which surround the point of rupture in his personality. In his mindscape, his older self voyeuristically oversees the circumstances behind the death of his saintly mother (Miranda Richardson) at the hands of his brooding and unfaithful father, Bill (Gabriel Byrne).
But wait, that's not how it happened, is it? Cronenberg inverts the trustworthiness of the hero in The Dead Zone by giving us a thoroughly unreliable narrator in Spider. An impact to the head put Smith in a coma for years and prompted his ability to "see." The impact which breaks Spider is a soul-crushing one, a chance intrusion in which he catches his mother and father making love then transposes her identity with that of the town slut, Yvonne (also Richardson), in order to cope with the dissonance of seeing his sweet mother in the throes of carnality.
In Spider, the only penetration and distortion of flesh Cronenberg exerts is the one Cleg imposes on his mother in his recollection. Spider sees his father at the local bar, asking Yvonne out. He sees Yvonne fucking Bill in a shed outside town. And most devastating, he sees his father kill his mother with a sharp blow from a shovel, burying her in a beet garden just outside the shed. Except, his memory is twisted; little Dennis (Bradley Hall) is still at home waiting for his mum and dad to get home. So he couldn't have witnessed any of this. Spider justifies his new assessment of his mother as a "tart" by replacing her with the image of Yvonne and inventing a backstory for how she usurped his mother's place.
Sex as infection has always loomed fairly large in Cronenberg's mythos. From the physical parasite in Shivers (1975) to Marilyn Chambers' protrusion in Rabid (1977); from the angry progeny of The Brood (1979) to the outlaw television channel in Videodrome (1983); even the metaphorical damage inflicted on successful scientists by the distraction of a sexual relationship both in The Fly and Dead Ringers (1988); all are examples of a disgust with sex that permeates Cronenberg's filmography. In this case, it is the horrific discovery of sex between his father and the overidealized mother which fractures Spider's mind, leading to his schizophrenia.
And while Spider may be the first film to internalize the "body horror" so prevalent throughout Cronenberg's work, displacing the physical with the spiritual or the mental, it is also a work which propels the director past his problematic concerns with sexuality. A History of Violence
Great framing of the film within the Cronenberg radar. It's one of my absolute favorites of all his film, and I appreciate the insights and points of reference here. Congrats on a terrific blogothon.
Great take on the movie, especially within the context of Cronenberg's career. It's a movie I really loved.
I agree in the congrats on the blog-a-thon. Terrific job!
Really nice piece, Tony. You get at a lot of the central concerns of SPIDER in thoughtful ways. I hadn't thought about all the connections to other works (it's been interesting to see Cronenberg's work situated into "periods" here).
I'm curious you like SPIDER very much? Or is it more a transitional film that needed more refining? Sometimes "transitional" can signal "interesting, but not so good" or it can mean something completely different. Just curious. SPIDER was the Cronenberg representative on my best of the 00s list, so I think pretty highly of it.
Congrats again on putting all this together. Look forward to catching up on what I missed while moving (and misplacing my phone charger - read: source of internet right now) this week. Cheers.
Tony - great final post on this great filmmaker - I love how it ties into so many other pieces of his filmography. I've only seen bits and pieces of SPIDER and definitely need to pay it another visit.
Tremendous blogathon...can't wait for next year!
Great post Tony, and a great way to wrap things up. I need to rewatch Spider because I saw it some time ago and didn't give it my full attention. Having really come around to Cronenberg only a few months before this blogathon, I haven't yet returned to it but cannot wait. Thanks for featuring my piece, and I hope you continue your superb blogathons and can't wait to see who's the focus next time.
This was actually the first Cronenberg movie I ever saw and I quite liked it. Too bad it got overlooked - the much more popular History of Violence a few years later I didn't care for.
Cronenberg's next film explores the relationship between Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung" Holy crap, this I can't wait to say!
Excellent essay; I love the way it uses Spider's mental turning point to indicate Cronenberg's aesthetic turning point. The connection between sex and bodily destruction is fascinating - other than the obvious bits of Videodrome I hadn't really thought about it (you make a good point about its indirect importance in The Fly, though).
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