Friday, September 10, 2010

UPDATED - Cronenberg Blogathon: Considering Cronenberg Elsewhere in the Blogosphere (Part 3)

by Tony Dayoub

As we approach the final stretch of the Cronenberg Blogathon this weekend I'd like to thank everyone who helped make this a success. Whether you just came by to read some of these great pieces, commented on them, helped promote them, or actually submitted one, I thank you. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to close the door to any further submissions at this time. But we have at least ten more coming your way (including one from yours truly if I can catch up with all of this editing) through Sunday night.

Elsewhere, some other writers have gotten into the spirit by publishing pieces at their own sites, and curiously, except for one, they are all about A History of Violence (2005):

A History of Violence (David Cronenberg, 2005) by Kevyn Knox at The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
Child-like Innocence by snobbyfilmguy (Chris Monks) at Musings From My Favorite Films
A History of Brilliance by Jordan Ruimy at Mind of a Suspicious Kind

Shivers (aka They Came From Within):

Shivers (1975) by Hans A. at Quiet Cool


A couple more:

The Brood:

The Brood by Troy Olson at Elusive as Robert Denby

The Brood and Scanners:

Manifestations, telepaths and extreme therapy: The Brood and Scanners by Neil Fulwood at The Agitation of the Mind

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