A documentary taking a hard look at a fascinating subject like actor Nick Nolte (Affliction
Thurman's approach hinges on an odd conceit that must have sounded good on paper, Nick Nolte interviewing himself. The actual execution is amateurish at best. He cuts between a well-kempt Nolte dressed in a Panama-style white hat and leisure suit asking hard questions, and a raggedy (maybe even intoxicated) Nolte slouching in front of an old-style Telecine flatbed responding defiantly to those questions. The clean-cut Nolte poses difficult queries concerning the circumstances behind the now infamous mugshot; the actor's penchant for taking his Method-style to such an extreme it often alienates his co-workers; and whether he believes he has problems with addiction. The red-faced disheveled Nolte answers each question with no trace of hypocrisy or obfuscation, save for moments in which he rails against journalists who have tarnished his reputation in order to file a good story.
The problem is that this back and forth is a bit of a performance in and of itself. It would seem to serve as an appropriate metaphor for the bifurcated personality Thurman is examining. Instead, it becomes a tiresome device that distracts and detracts from the exploration being conducted in a way not unlike the "Gollum effect" used in the climax of The Two Towers
No, the silly theatrical device framing Nick Nolte: No Exit is actually analogous to the frustration versus fascination which arises from watching a documentary that comes so close to illuminating its subject, yet still misses the mark. Tom Thurman took a gamble in his framing of the subject. It's too bad his directorial ego won't let him accept how poorly the gamble fails to pay off.
Nick Nolte: No Exit is currently playing exclusively on demand on the brand new Sundance Selects VOD platform, available nationwide.
1 comment:
I may give it a shot out of curiosity because I'm such a Nolte fan. I think his performance in Affliction is one of the best of the 90's. Also, recently watching Cape Fear I had forgotten how great he was in that. He's always been an interesting actor, even when he does stuff like 48 Hours...and my favorite Nolte performance aside from Affliction may be Q & A.
Oh, and off topic...I posted some quick thoughts on Birth on the blog. You get a shout-out for giving me the kick in the butt to see that movie.
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