On Tuesday, Warner Home Video will release the 70th Anniversary 2-Disc Special Edition DVD of Gone With the Wind (1939) (there's an extra nice package on Blu-ray as well). It includes the newly remastered film and commentary by historian Rudy Behlmer. I have one copy of the DVD available to give away (courtesy of Warner Home Video) to the first person who can answer the following question correctly. But first, the rules:
Giveaway Rules
The following rules apply:
1. Your full name and mailing address (no P.O. Boxes) MUST be included with your entry. (This is necessary to notify the winner, and to arrange shipping of the prizes. Specific mailing address information will be kept confidential.)
2. Please write WIND in the subject line of your email.
3. Only ONE entry per person please!
4. The giveaway is only open to readers who reside in the continental U.S.
5. Family and friends of Cinema Viewfinder's staff are not eligible.
Entries will be accepted until 5 p.m. Eastern time, today, November 14th, and the winner will be notified later this evening.
All entries MUST be sent to the following e-mail address: contests@cinemaviewfinder.com
And now, the Question:
Which of Gone With the Wind's surviving actresses was awarded with a key to the city of Marietta, Georgia, yesterday, at the kickoff event for this city's celebration of the film's 70th anniversary?
Update: And the winner is Mike Galbreath. The correct answer is:
Ann Rutherford who played Carreen O'Hara in the film.
Thank you to everyone who participated, and stay tuned to this site for more contests like this in the future.