The guys over at
Wonders in the Dark are asking readers to submit their top 50 films for the eighties. Some folks have said they had trouble coming up with a fifty films. However, maybe because I grew up during this period, maybe because American film was coming off of its grandest era in the seventies, I found it difficult to keep it down to just fifty. And I definitely can't rank them in anything but alphabetical order.
Those interested in my list can find it in the comments section for the site.
I hear ya. I had trouble narrowing it down as well and then realized I had forgotten some. D'oh!
Tony: Thanks very much for the attention here, and for the fantastic list you submitted. I will right now do what should have been done a long time ago--add your site to our blog roll! I will be sure to visit too and check out whats going on here. It does look like a great place. And thanks J.D. too. I need to add you right now as well.
I tried to post at J.D.'s site, but he has a closed method of accepting comments. I read his Hunter S. Thompson piece, and had along response, which did not go through, unfortunately. He'll have to loosen his restrictions for me to post. In any case, Radiator Heaven is also on our blogroll as is Cinema Pathfinder. Thanks guys!
Thanks, Sam. And now Wonders in the Dark is on my blogroll also.
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